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New Plans & Pricing Structure

Apr 8, 2022

We’re happy to announce that YoPrint turns five this year. We couldn’t have done it without our ardent supporters! We want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our early adopters for believing in us and allowing us to do what we love doing the most—build great software!

Over the five years, we’ve added many new features and improvements to our software. It’s not an exaggeration to say that YoPrint in 2018 was a completely different software than YoPrint in 2022. To entice early adopters, we’ve also kept our prices very low and charged a fraction of what competitors are charging. We believe it’s time for us to revise our pricing.

What does it mean to current subscribers?

Nothing changes for you! As a token of our appreciation for your continued support, your current plan will be grandfathered. You will continue to enjoy the same set of benefits at the same price you are paying now.

For our Starter Plan subscribers, if you were considering upgrading to our Essential plan, please do so before April 25, 2022, 9pm Eastern Daylight Time, before the plan is gone. Forever.

For our Essential Plan subscribers, you can continue customizing your plan even after the price change goes live. Furthermore, we will be adding new features to your plan.

For subscribers who would like to upgrade to our Annual plan, please do so before April 25, 2022, 9pm EDT. After the new pricing goes live, you won’t be able to switch between monthly and annual billing cycles.

What about new subscribers?

Anyone subscribing to YoPrint before April 25, 2022, will receive the same benefits as our current subscribers. Anyone subscribing on or after April 25, 2022, will be able to choose from our new plans. Our new plans are still affordable and deliver outstanding value compared to our competitors.

You can find our existing pricing here and new pricing here. We’ve updated both pages to offer a clear comparison.

Once again, we greatly appreciate our supporters for sticking with us and helping us do what we love most. We hope to continue working with you for many years to come!

WithYoprint Team